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Ex Neverwinter Dev Tweets about Loot Boxes.

I worked on Neverwinter, the free-to-play MMO that came out several years ago. Many F2P game systems are lifted directly from the gambling industry, so let me give you an idea of what supporting that means for video games, gamers, and developers.
Loot boxes in games are a familiar topic for a lot of people, but they often discuss the wrong angle. Most gamers comment on how annoying they are, but few people address how harmful they are.
First, to deconstruct what a loot box is for those who don't do F2P games: It's a package you open that has a % chance you'll receive one of a number of cosmetic or gameplay-altering rewards when you open it. You pay for the privilege to open the loot box.
This pay-for-potential-rewards structure is lifted directly from casino gambling — slot machines in particular. In fact, most of the win rates and feedback systems for loot boxes are lifted directly from slot machine design. Here are some aspects that are similar:
Sounds and visuals designed to heighten excitement and anticipation
Low initial investment
High accessibility
Intentionally stingy rewards
Highly broadcast high-end rewards
Let's break these down.
Pay-to-play means you're locked out of content until you drop some money, and that does some weird psychological things I'm not qualified to talk about. Regardless, it sets a barrier to entry, but it's designed to be low enough (penny slots, anyone?) that anyone can play.
Sounds and visuals play a huge part in making loot boxes. They have a specific cadence built into them which increases tension over a short time, and then they flash pretty lights and play exciting sounds. Slot machines perfected it, and now video games crank it to 11.
Low initial investment is incredibly important for gambling because it tricks your brain into thinking you're not spending much money, even if you end up spending dozens or hundreds in the end. This ties in well with the intentionally stingy reward cycle, which I'll get to.
Accessibility in slot machines is walking up and popping a penny in, but accessibility in loot boxes is even more insidious; you spend some time playing the game, you get a free taste, and then you have to pay to play once you get that initial adrenaline rush.
Intentionally stingy rewards keep people coming back, and spending more money over time by constantly teasing the possibility of a greater reward. You see this with slots, and you see it with the possibility of winning a sweet new skin, only to end up with ugly poop.
Highly broadcast high-end rewards are things like the bright flashing lights, loud bells, and other aspects of winning you see from slots. You get the same thing for free in video games because people want to show off their shiny loot, and they even make videos about it.
So. What all these reward systems do is give you a trickle of excitement with the occasional punctuation of winning a little bit, and that system is incredibly addictive for many people. Let me give a couple of examples.
You hear about people with gambling addictions blowing thousands of dollars at a casino. These people get addicted to the risk/reward cycle of gambling; it literally makes happy juices squirt into their brain. The EXACT same happens with loot boxes, and there are metrics.
Those metrics aren't just "this person is spending X." No. When I was on Neverwinter, I heard a conversation about one of our highest spenders who was a single mother of 3-4 kids in Kentucky. The people making the game knew who this individual was and how much she spent monthly
That may not sound super terrible, until you hear that this single mother was spending over a thousand dollars a month on in-game items, people knew her salary range, and could literally stick a pin in a map with her physical address.
It's important for people running these games to have metrics and info like this so they can tailor the experience to you. This is where video game loot boxes are actually more insidious than casino gambling; they don't just take your money, they tailor your personal experience.
Companies who produce games with loot boxes tailor your experience so that the amount they make off you is maximized. For most people this is pennies per month, but for some people they're literally tailoring the game to take advantage of your gambling addiction.
The killer thing is that, without whales — without the people with gambling addictions — these systems fail. If you've ever done any reading on how airline ticket pricing works, it's a similar business model. A small number of high spenders keep the whole thing afloat.
So, to get back to the Unity link: Supporting the gambling industry is lucrative, but also INCREDIBLY unethical. You're supporting a system designed to literally, not figuratively, LITERALLY prey on the addictions of a relatively small number of people.
All those talks at GDC a few years ago about monetization? Preying on addictions. Loot boxes in Overwatch, Apex Legends, Fortnite? Preying on addictions. Monetization and marketing experts? Preying-on-addictions experts.
Interestingly, this is the same system Valve uses to exploit artists who make skins and items for TF2 and DOTA2. A few "lucky" people get their items selected (by a black box selection process) which strings others along to keep creating free content for them.
They pay for none of the labor involved in making skins for DOTA characters, but reap 70% of all profits, which equates to millions of dollars per year. Good times.
Anyway, this is why I'll never work on another F2P game again, and this is why seeing Unity openly talking about how they're supporting the gambling industry makes me never want to touch Unity's tools again.
submitted by arcticfox4 to Neverwinter [link] [comments]

10 Reasons Why CS:GO Doesn't Suck As Much As You Think

A YouTube channel by the name of Valve Guides just released a video titled "10 Reason Why CS:GO Sucks Right Now". I've seen a few videos like this from various channels, and have been getting increasingly frustrated at the misinformation these videos come with. Most importantly, I've become sad that people seem to have completely given up on CS:GO when it is currently better than it has ever been (as CS:GO, and arguably as a Counter-Strike game in general). So I've made this post in an attempt to counter the points in that specific video, while also explaining my frustrations in general at what I've heard over the past few weeks from other YouTubers and players.
  10 - Messy Gameplay   What? 1.6 was one of the clunkiest FPSs of its time, the pacing was pretty good but there were some stupidly-busted mechanics like wallbangs through insanely thick walls, not being able to move AT ALL after being shot (meaning first shot = kill 90% of the time, allowing for little counterplay other than reaction times), insanely reduced first-shot accuracy (especially due to that insanely huge crosshair that you couldn't really modify without some technical knowhow - further increasing the skill floor for first-time players), etc.   By "1.6 is clunky" I mean to say the movement system didn't mesh well with the object of the game. Bunnyhopping is a prime example of how the game was artificially sped up when the pacing of the rounds would've been much slower without them. By pacing of the round I mean, how much action is going on in a specific time frame (1 round or 30 seconds, etc.).
CS:GO's pacing is controlled by grenades currently, whereas 1.6 was more about the "glitches" like Bunnyhopping, wallbanging and "tagging" which isn't a glitch but arguably overly powerful. I don't know much more about 1.6's systems but I can say that after about 100 hours I just had the feeling that I had less control over my movement in 1.6 due to these more advanced systems (that I didn't, at the time, have the tools to learn about) than I do currently in CS:GO. This is more opinion based than the rest of the piece, and I feel like people are taking it out of context. I was just trying to tone down the 1.6 nostalgia-tinted glasses that seems to be going around where people are saying that 1.6 was 1000x better in every aspect and was the best competitive shooter in history (that title goes to Quake 3 btw ;).   9 - Balance issues   This one I'll agree with, there are things that can still be balanced but I think griping on this now, at a time where Valve has been at its most active in reaching out to the community and actually acting on our suggestions, is kind of mean-spirited and preaching to the choir at this point. Hitboxes are better than ever, they're actually trying to fix jumpshotting, spraying, first-shot accuracy, etc. in a meaningful way. xx   He also says something here I want to touch on. "Changes to a weapon can reduce your incentive to come back and continue playing." Really? If changes in a video game that force you to re-learn a skill stop you from wanting to play that game, fine, but you're in the insanely small minority. That's what video games are, constantly changing, ever-evolving. They're young, they aren't like most sports that have been around for a century or more and have fine-tuned their rules over that period of time. So it's just kind of a part of every game, not just CS - and it's something you have to deal with as a competitive player. If you don't want to, that's up to you, but it doesn't make CS:GO "suck".
8 - Skin Betting Ban   So this is part of the community SURROUNDING the game, not about the game itself. But I'll still say something about it.   Betting on sports in general has always been a touchy subject, especially in North America (where a lot of CS:GO fans are located currently - not all, just saying the majority of betting sites were located here, etc.). So it makes sense to continue the trend in NA and specifically the US to just outright ban it and force them to act illegally. It reduces the chance of under-aged people wanting to bet - by reducing the popularity, and reducing the # of legitimate players (i.e. streamers and pros) that advocate it. But it also de-legitimizes betting which was a large source of income for the CS:GO scene. So banning it has some positives and some negatives. The best route here would be for Valve to release an official betting system using skins and not just the "Pick 'Em" system they have now - similar to what CSGOLounge used. I still believe that the roulette-style sites are straight-up casino gambling and should always be illegal, regardless of currency used (skins, money, chips, w/e). Again, doesn't even come close to making the game "suck". I also don't really understand how Valve banning all betting sites (which are definitively illegal) makes the whole scene look "shady". If anything it has the opposite effect to onlookers in that it creates a sense that Valve have some control over the scene and want to legitimize eSports.   7 - Scandals   sigh Again, community - not the game itself. All communities have bad eggs. CS:GO is the biggest FPS in terms of eSport popularity, hands down. But it isn't the biggest eSport. DotA, League and Starcraft also have their fair share of scandals, so it's no big surprise to anyone that CS:GO has had some as well. It is also the first extremely large FPS eSport, whereas DotA and League have Starcraft 2 to thank (partially) for paving the way for their popularity, and their ruleset (as well, Riot in particular has done a stellar job in cracking down on illegitimate practices, reducing the # of scandals as the years have progressed). CS:GO happens to be the youngest large eSport out there, so the # of scandals currently should go down as things subside (and indeed they seem to be dying down, the last big one I can remember was IBP throwing as well as some fishy stuff going on at a tournament that I can not recall currently, over the summer IIRC). AGAIN, does not make CS:GO as a game suck. Just means it's a growing eSport and as such, Valve should be doing things to crack down on illegitimate behaviour...which it has been doing, and continues to do. Some might say too little too late, or not fast enough, but I prefer to say better late than never, or better a little than not at all.   6 - Toxic Community   Every multiplayer video game since WoW has had a toxic community. It's literally a meme at this point. Saying a game sucks because it has a toxic community is like saying a slice of bread sucks because it has a crust. It comes with the territory, and there's not much the developemanufacturer can do to avoid this. It's up to the end-user to tailor their own experience. With bread, you have a knife capable of cutting the crust off. With video games, developers give you the ability to mute your fellow gamers if you find their actions distasteful. It's not a fantastic solution because it requires effort of the end-user, and in gaming it hinders your ability to play competitively, but it is a solution. You can also play with friends to cut out the issue entirely, and you can make friends by adding people you find that are kind or communicative in solo-queue to your list and continuing to play with them. I just joined/started to form an ESEA team with some random guy I met while solo-queueing who happens to live <2 hours away from me.   So yeah, again - doesn't mean CS:GO sucks - just means the community is large enough where the toxicity is more noticeable. Just like every other major eSport (League, DotA, Starcraft . . . even larger MMOs like EvE & WoW, and casual FPSs like CoD and Halo, as he mentioned in the video).   5 - Hackers   Okay so this seems to be a heated topic in CS:GO for some reason, when it has never been in any game before...even though the # of hackers I've witnessed in CS:S, and other games like ArmA, DayZ, Battlefield, America's Army, and Call of Duty is far greater than I've ever seen in CS:GO. Maybe it's because the hackers have a greater impact on the game, due to matchmaking having ranks and people putting so much emphasis on having a good rank. Or maybe it's because the game itself takes longer to complete than most eSports, so you have more riding on it. Not sure.   But I will say that the # of hackers in CS:GO is on the decline, and continues to be due to tremendous efforts by Valve. Despite what many believe, VAC actually does its job! gasp I know, hard to believe. But it does its job, and does it well. It acts in secrecy because it must, if it gives status updates of any kind it also gives coders a way to discern in what way they are being detected and allows for hackers to stay ahead. By operating in secrecy, it allows Valve to catch up to the hackers (or attempt to) and detect many hacks at once (which is why bans come in "waves" - when a system is detected VAC takes several days to collect data on as many people using the hacks with that system implemented as possible, and bans them all at once).   I will also say that Valve has taken a good starting point with the Prime Matchmaking system. I have noticed a significant drop in hackers in my games at the DMG-LEM range (where I've been since Prime started, and for many months prior) since its release, and I know that even though the # of hackers in GE is higher, it still seems to be less for most people across the board. There are also 3rd-party clients that help to alleviate this issue, but I won't give them too much credence as they aren't truly a part of CS:GO as a game.   So while yes, CS:GO has cheaters, Valve as a developer is doing a good job (in my humble opinion) at deterring and punishing cheaters, and can't be held accountable for every single time you witness a cheater in a game. Especially if it isn't a blatant cheater, due to human error in accusing people of cheating they can't spectate, which I think creates this image that the problem is larger than it appears.   I also want to address the video here. It makes light of VAC by spouting a meme at the end (unprofessional, and more importantly demonstrates ignorance of how VAC actually works). But the video also states that some pros have made it to LAN tournaments (I think that's the inference by saying "pros make it to ESEA"?). There's been no proof that any pro has used a cheat during a tournament. There are a few that come to mind (KQLY, and I know of at least one other whom I can't recall the name of) but I can't recall any time where there was video proof of cheats. (#FreeKrimz #ImNotAProfessionalYouTuberSoICanMeme)   4 - Deranking Updates   Ranks don't mean anything. I repeat, ranks don't mean anything. Pros don't care about their ranks. Really good players shouldn't (and often don't) care about their ranks. The ONLY rank that counts right now is ESEA, and that's a new thing. It only matters because S Rank is a way for players to showcase their skills, and reaching that really is a testament to how good you are and can potentially launch an eSport career.   But to say that CS:GO sucks partially because Valve balances their rank update to better distribute skill across their ranks is ludicrous. There's really no other way to put it, and no way I can articulate why it's wrong other than to say that balancing your game is important, and allowing people to play against those with the same rank is paramount to the success of a game. Just think of it this way - if you deranked, that means MOST people at your rank ALSO deranked. So everyone that WAS Supreme was deranked to LEM (or whatever the case was with the literally one time this happened in the past 2-3 years). It's a good point that players might become disinterested after seeing their hard work "go to waste", but honestly it only goes to waste if they quit, because only then will the work have been for nothing. Losing your rank doesn't strip you of the skill you acquired. So it shouldn't matter what rank you are, only how good you perceive yourself to be. And if a random image next to your name validates your perception of yourself, you might want to look deeper at why you play CS:GO in the first place.   3 - Lack of Support   I said a lot of what I would normally say here above at #9, in that Valve has been more active with updates and support in the past year than from launch to the beginning of this year, but I also want to add one more thing. The narrator mentions in the video that TF2 received way more support than CS:GO has. And I want to explain why that's total bullshit. &nsp; The first major update that added new content to TF2 was 4 months after its release, however of course many updates were done prior on balancing. CS:GO had maybe a dozen updates in the months prior to its release (I can't find any evidence this was so for TF2 but correct me if I'm wrong). And the first major update (a new mode) came 2 months after release (competitive matchmaking and skill groups). Another mode (DM) was launched 2 months after that, and the first map 3 months after that. There have been consistent updates at least once a month since release, seen here (since launch) and here (since December 2013).   A few specifics to address. VAC bans I've already covered, but the reason pros are banned is because they are high-priority targets as they affect revenue streams on a greater scale, and proof is the only thing required. To VAC ban someone who plays the game normally, you can't go around banning everyone with proof because that would take forever (hence the Overwatch system), so VAC banning is automated to when it detects a cheat. Valve doesn't need to detect a pro player's cheat client to have them VAC banned. Problems that take months to fix is a moot issue now, as they have proven they can be fast at fixing issues when they are presented in a meaningful and easy-to-reproduce way. And for the console version, he already covers why that's again a moot issue. I'd also add that very few people most likely play CS:GO on console, and that Valve developers can choose which projects they want to work on which most likely led to the decline in updates for that platform. An excuse and not a reason, but yeah, I can see his point here - it kinda sucks to abandon part of your playerbase, however small it is. But seriously, #PCMasterRace.   2 - Bad Updates   Again, another moot point. Valve just recently introduced a Beta platform that has been used to great effect in reducing the number of issues an update causes when pushed to the live servers. None of the problems he lists have been since that was implemented. And again, he says "Months to fix issues" where again this has changed.   1 - Betraying Trust   I don't really have much to say here, because everything he said is true but I don't think Valve ever betrayed our trust in them to the point where the game ultimately sucks. They are still trying to win our trust back, and for some of us have succeeded. And I choose not to believe that they ever willingly chose to betray our trust. I truly believe that all changes they've made is with their community (and bottom line) in mind. And it would be very bad for their bottom line to betray their community on a fundamental level. I think they did that a few times, but never willingly, because Valve operates as a business first and foremost and business operate under the true meaning of "The Customer is Always Right" which means that the customer knows what they want, give it to them mentality. In gaming, developers have to be careful because not all their customers want the same thing, so it is a fine line in knowing what to do and what not to do, but it does come down in the end to our faith in their ability to create a solid game.   And in the end, I truly believe Valve has done that. They continue to support it through major tournament pots and prizes, major updates fairly frequently (one to two a year, that continue to produce content for a month or two due to the nature of the drops these updates bring), and balance changes (that admittedly are sometimes done poorly). Again, I truly believe that Valve want the best for this game and for its community, and I believe that they have shown that in the past few months. They have shown that they believe in their community, and they have shown that they have the ability to do CS:GO's community justice. And I don't think that making a video that says CS:GO straight-up sucks is the best course of action, and I've been seeing quite a few videos to this end.   If you truly cared about Counter-Strike and its playerbase, you wouldn't say the game is terrible and tell people not to play it, because that will just cause Valve to abandon it all together. Encourage them to speak out about what they dislike without completely dismissing the game as a lost cause (which is what, in my opinion, saying a game is fundamentally "bad"/sucks, does). Encourage them to educate themselves on the development process, on the ins and outs of the game's mechanics, and how to give your own input like many redditors have done in the past. And in general, just enjoy the game for what it is without worrying about the future. Because currently, in many people's opinion, the game is quite fun to play. I know it is for me.
TL;DR: CS:GO doesn't suck, it really hasn't ever sucked - at least not for quite some time. Valve has proved itself worthy again, in the last few months, by releasing Prime Matchmaking, Beta Versions of updates, and timely fixes for issues found by the community. The game is in quite a good spot, with quite a few gripes about the game (mechanically-speaking) being non-issues now. So, with that in mind, I disagree that making videos such as the one listed above is really helping anything. In fact, I believe it's a detriment to CS:GO as it might make people shy away from the game where they otherwise wouldn't have.  
In short: Play the game. Inform yourself about the ins and outs of what is and isn't possible for Valve to do, and what is and isn't realistic in terms of expectations for updates, and the timing of those updates. And give constructive criticism in whatever form you can. But please, don't abandon this game. Help make Counter-Strike great again.
EDIT: Thanks to everyone who has participated (and continues to participate) in the discussion! I think I've said all I wanted to say, if you have questions look in my comment history for my opinion and if you don't see it feel free to PM me and I can explain anything unclear about my opinion specifically.
But I think we can all agree that ValveGuides was just view-baiting with the title and content, the arguments for each of the points (except #10 it seems) are all flawed, and most of you understand the point of my post. Some were just here to fanboy 1.6 and complain about how bad CS:GO is in comparison, and I understand that nostalgia and time spent playing a game you loved when you're younger can taint your opinion so I won't take it too harshly the amount of illogical and false statements made. I'll stop replying to comments on this thread, though. Have a good night everyone!
submitted by SoupOrJuice13 to GlobalOffensive [link] [comments]

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Masters of the Broken World 1x-EDGE 1x-Elements: Soul of Fire 1x-Enclave 1x-Eron 2x-Escape Machines 1x-Euro Truck Simulator 1x-Europa Universalis IV: Guns, Drums and Steel Music Pack (Unknown package 52644) 1x-Excalibur Sim Bundle (Includes 3 items: Farming World, Post Master, Zoo Park) 2x-Fiends of Imprisonment + Absconding Zatwor + Break Into Zatwor 1x-Final Quest II 2x-Fly and Destroy 1x-Forbidden Planet 1x-Forsaken Uprising 1x-Frankenstein: Master of Death 1x-Frederic Bundle (Includes 2 items: Frederic: Evil Strikes Back, Frederic: Resurrection of Music) 2x-Freebie 1x-Frontline Tactics Complete Pack 1x-Galactic Fighter 1x-GEARCRACK Arena + Soundtrack 1x-Gnarltoof's Revenge 1x-Goats on a Bridge 1x-GooCubelets + GooCubelets 2 + GooCubelets: The Algoorithm 4x-GooCubelets 2 + GooCubelets + GooCubelets: OCD 2x-GooCubelets: OCD + GooCubelets + GooCubelets: The Void 3x-GooCubelets: The Algoorithm + GooCubelets + GooCubelets: OCD 3x-GooCubelets: The Void + GooCubelets + GooCubelets: The Algoorithm 1x-Grim Dawn 3x-Grind Zones 1x-Guardians of Graxia Game and Map Pack (Includes 2 items: Guardians of Graxia, Guardians of Graxia Map Pack) 4x-Gun Monkeys 9x-Half-Life 2: Deathmatch 1x-Half-Life 2: Episode 1 (Includes 4 items: Half-Life 2: Deathmatch, Half-Life 2: Lost Coast, Half-Life Deathmatch: Source, Half-Life 2: Episode One) 1x-Hamilton's Great Adventure 1x-Hammerwatch 2x-Unknown package 37223 (Includes 20 items: Hearts of Iron III, Hearts of Iron III: US Pack DLC, Hearts of Iron III: German Infantry Pack DLC, Hearts of Iron III: Japanese Infantry Pack DLC, Hearts of Iron III: Soviet Pack DLC, Hearts of Iron III: Soviet Music Pack DLC, Hearts of Iron III: Soviet Infantry Pack DLC, Hearts of Iron III DLC: German II Spritepack , Hearts of Iron III: Semper Fi, Hearts of Iron III Semper Fi: Dies Irae Götterdämmerung, Hearts of Iron III: For the Motherland, Hearts of Iron III: Mega German Spritepack, Hearts of Iron III: Dies Irae Stars & Stripes Spritepack, Hearts of Iron III: US Infantry Sprite Pack, Hearts of Iron III: Sounds of Conflict, Hearts of Iron III: Their Finest Hour, Hearts of Iron III: British Vehicle Spritepack, Hearts of Iron III: Japanese Vehicle Spritepack, Hearts of Iron III: Italian Vehicle Pack, Hearts of Iron III: Axis Minors Vehicle Pack) 1x-Hexaball 3x-How to Survive - Dead Summer Days Bundle - AUG'14 (Includes 6 items: How to Survive, Heat Wave DLC - Abby's pack, Heat Wave DLC - Kenji's pack, Heat Wave DLC - Jack's pack, Kovac’s Way DLC, Hello my name is... Nina. DLC) 1x-Hungry Flame 2x-Hyper color ball 1x-Hyperspace Pack (Includes 3 items: Waveform, Revolution Ace, Star Saviors) 1x-Ichi 35x-Infestation: Survivor Stories Classic (One of many removed games) 1x-Intergalactic Bubbles 1x-Invasion 2x-Invasion: Brain Craving 1x-It's Spring Again 2x-JRPG Bundle (Includes 4 items: Destiny Warriors RPG, Greyfox RPG, Legend of Mysteria RPG, Secret Of Magia) 3x-Just Cause 1x-Just Cause Bundle (Includes 9 items: Just Cause, Just Cause 2, Just Cause 2: Bull's Eye Assault Rifle, Just Cause 2: Rico's Signature Gun DLC, Just Cause 2: Chevalier Classic, Just Cause 2: Agency Hovercraft, Just Cause 2: Monster Truck DLC, Just Cause 2: Black Market Aerial Pack DLC, Just Cause 2 - Black Market Boom Pack DLC) 1x-Killing Floor Bundle - December 2011 (Includes 8 items: Killing Floor, Killing Floor Outbreak Character Pack, Killing Floor: Nightfall Character Pack, Killing Floor: PostMortem Character Pack, Killing Floor "London's Finest" Character Pack, Defence Alliance 2, Killing Floor: Steampunk Character Pack, Killing Floor - Steampunk Character Pack 2) 2x-King's Guard TD 1x-Krog Wars 1x-Legend of Dungeon 2x-Lethal League 2x-Little Racers STREET 1x-Mad Combat Marines 1x-Magazine Editor 1x-Mahjong Pretty Girls Battle 2x-Masked Shooters 2 1x-Medieval Mercs 1x-METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN 1x-Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor - GOTY Edition Upgrade (DLC) 2x-Midnight Carnival 1x-Millennium - A New Hope (Deluxe Edition (contains Game+Guide+Goodies) 1x-Millennium 2 - Strategist Edition (contains Game+Guide) (Includes 2 items: Millennium 2 - Take Me Higher, Official Guide - Millennium 2) 2x-Mindless Running 1x-Miniature Gods (DLC) 13x-Minion Masters 8x-Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine 1x-Murder Miners 1x-Natural Selection 2 (4-Pack Gift) 1x-Natural Selection 2 (Deluxe Edition) 1x-Neon Prism 2x-Neon Space 2x-Neon Space 2 2x-Ninja Stealth 5x-Nuclear Dawn 1x-Numba Deluxe 2x-Office Battle 3x-OR 2x-Orbital Gear 1x-Orc Attack: Flatulent Rebellion 1x-Other Tanks 3x-Out There Somewhere 1x-Overcast - Walden and the Werewolf 1x-Overture 1x-Pain Train 1x-Unknown package 50879 (Includes 3 items: Magicka, Knights of Pen and Paper +1 Edition, Teleglitch: Die More Edition) 3x-Particula 4x-PAYDAY 2: The OVERKILL Pack (DLC) 3x-PAYDAY 2: A Merry Payday Christmas Soundtrack (DLC) 1x-Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3 and 4 Bundle (Includes 2 items: Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3, Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 4) 1x-PixBit 1x-Planetary Annihilation - Digital Deluxe Add-on (Includes 2 items: Planetary Annihilation - Digital Deluxe Add-on, Planetary Annihilation - Original Soundtrack) 1x-PlayWay's Sim Bundle (Includes 4 items: Construction Machines 2014, Helicopter Simulator 2014: Search and Rescue, Car Mechanic Simulator 2014, Farm Machines Championships 2014) 4x-Polarity 2x-POSTAL 4x-Postal 2 Complete (Includes 2 items: POSTAL 2, Postal 2 Editor) 1x-Primal Fears (4-Pack) 4x-Project Starship 1x-Purgatory 1x-Putrefaction 3x-Puzzle Indie (Includes 5 items: Gumboy - Crazy Adventures™, Gumboy Crazy Features, Vigil: Blood Bitterness™, Obulis, Chains) 1x-Ravaged 2x-Red Lake 2x-Redactem 2x-Remaining in a dream 1x-Reptilians Must Die! 2x-Reset 1-1 5x-Revolution Ace 2x-Rise of the Ancients 1x-Risk of Rain 2 3x-Road Madness 1x-RUNNING WITH RIFLES 3x-Sanctum 2 1x-Savage Lands 1x-Score a goal (Physical football) 1x-Scourge: Outbreak Gift (Includes 3 items: Scourge: Outbreak, Scourge: Outbreak Fan Pack, Scourge: Outbreak - Blindside PvP Map pack) 1x-Secret of the Magic Crystals 1x-Section 8: Prejudice (Includes 4 items: Section 8®: Prejudice™, Section 8: Prejudice Blitz Pack, Section 8: Prejudice Overdrive Map Pack, Section 8: Prejudice Frontier Colonies Map Pack) 1x-Serious Sam 3 Standard (Includes 2 items: Serious Sam 3: BFE, Serious Sam Fusion 2017 (beta)) 1x-Serious Sam Classics: Revolution 1x-Shake Your Money Simulator 2016 4x-Shift 2x-ShipLord 1x-Sid Meier's Civilization IV (Includes 2 items: Sid Meier's Civilization® IV, Sid Meier's Civilization IV) 1x-Sig.NULL 1x-Sinister City 3x-Sixtieth Kilometer 1x-Sky Mercenaries 1x-Skyborn 3x-Slash It 2x-Slash It 2 2x-Sleengster 2 + Sleengster + Torch Cave + Torch Cave 2 + Rage Parking Simulator 2016 + Barclay: The Marrowdale Murder 1x-Sleight 1x-Sonic Generations - Casino Night DLC 1x-Distant Space 4x-Space Farmers (2-Pack Gift) 3x-Space Pilgrim Episode I: Alpha Centauri 1x-Space Pilgrim Episode III: Delta Pavonis 2x-Space Trader: Merchant Marine 1x-Sparkle 3 Genesis 1x-Spin Rush 1x-Star Project 1x-Starpoint Gemini 2 2x-Starship: Nova Strike 1x-Starvoid Gift 2x-State of Anarchy 1x-State of Decay: YOSE 4x-Steam Trading Card Beta Access - Extra Copy 1x-Stellar Impact Bundle (Includes 4 items: Stellar Impact, Stellar Impact - Artillery Ship DLC, Stellar Impact - Carrier Ship DLC, Stellar Impact - Support Ship DLC) 1x-Street Fighter V Beta Gift 1x-SUPER DISTRO 1x-Super Hexagon 1x-Super Monday Night Combat 1x-Survive in Space 1x-Survivor Squad 1x-Take on Helicopters Bundle (Includes 2 items: Take On Helicopters, Take On Helicopters: Hinds) 1x-Talisman: Digital Edition 2x-Temper Tantrum 1x-The Decimation of Olarath 1x-The Deer 1x-The District 2x-The face of hope: Underground 1x-The Hat Man: Shadow Ward 1x-The Last Hope 1x-The Last Photon 1x-The Mawesome Pack (Includes 4 items: The Maw, The Maw: Brute Force, The Maw: River Redirect, The Maw: Speeder Lane) 1x-The Safeguard Garrison 2x-The Ship Gift (Includes 2 items: The Ship: Murder Party, The Ship: Single Player) 1x-They Came From The Moon 2x-Timberman 1x-Time Of Silence 1x-Tiny Toast (Super rare) 3x-Tomb Raider 1x-Tomb Raider GOTY Edition (Includes 22 items: Tomb Raider, Tomb Raider: 1939 Multiplayer Map Pack, Tomb Raider: Agency SPS 12, Tomb Raider: Aviatrix Skin, Tomb Raider: Caves and Cliffs Multiplayer Map Pack, Tomb Raider: Demolition Skin, Tomb Raider: Fisherman, Tomb Raider: Guerilla Skin, Tomb Raider: Hunter Skin, Tomb Raider: HX AP-15, Tomb Raider: JAGD P22G, Tomb Raider: M590 12ga, Tomb Raider: Mountaineer Skin, Tomb Raider: Scavenger Bandit, Tomb Raider: Scavenger Executioner, Tomb Raider: Scavenger Scout, Tomb Raider: Shanty Town, Tomb Raider: Shipwrecked Multiplayer Map Pack, Tomb Raider: Silverballer, Tomb Raider: STG 58 Elite, Tomb Raider: Sure-Shot Skin, Tomb Raider: Tomb of the Lost Adventurer) 2x-Torch Cave 1x-Tracks of Triumph: Industrial Zone 2x-Triangle 1x-Trine 2: Complete Story Gift (Includes 2 items: Trine 2: Complete Story, Trine 2: Goblin Menace) 5x-Tropico 4 Collector's Bundle (Includes 12 items: Tropico 4, Tropico 4: Apocalypse, Tropico 4: Junta Military DLC, Tropico 4: Megalopolis DLC, Tropico 4: Modern Times, Tropico 4: Pirate Heaven DLC, Tropico 4: Plantador DLC, Tropico 4: Propaganda!, Tropico 4: Quick-dry Cement DLC, Tropico 4: The Academy, Tropico 4: Vigilante DLC, Tropico 4: Voodoo DLC) 1x-Tropico 4 1x-Truck Racer 1x-Two Worlds Collection (Includes 4 items: Two Worlds Epic Edition, Two Worlds II - Pirates of the Flying Fortress, Two Worlds II Castle Defense, Two Worlds II HD) 1x-Two Worlds II HD 3x-Uncrowded 2x-Upside Down 1x-VCB: Why City (Beta Version) 1x-Victoria II (Unknown package 4958) 1x-Voxelized 2x-Warriors of Vilvatikta 4x-Why So Evil + Why So Evil 2: Dystopia + Brilliant Bob 1x-Why So Evil 2: Dystopia + Why So Evil + Brilliant Bob 1x-Why So Evil Duology Pack 3x-Windborne 1x-Winter Novel 3x-Withering Kingdom: Arcane War 1x-Woodle Tree Adventures 2x-Word Killer: Zorgilonian Chronicles 2x-Yet Another Zombie Defense 1x-Zombie Boom + Beast Blaster + Cyborg Detonator This is my steamtrades rep profile
submitted by satry to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

[H] New games, Rage, Injustice, Mount & Blade.Lego Batman,Warhammer End Times Vermin,Games [W] Games

SteamTrade rep
  1. I will not accept any steam request unless we agree on a trade by comments or PM
  2. I will not hold games until we agree on a final trade
  3. ALL of the game in my list are games that i already have so i have no hesitate on trading all of them
  4. Im not a reseller the games i trade will be to use on my account
  5. Im open to all games offers on games i dont have, you can check it in my COMPARE2STEAM
  6. I will trade base on the game value not by 1-1 rules or similar
  7. My steam wishlist may not represent games i want right now, Want list is for that but feel free to offer a game on my wishlist
  8. We may not value a game the same way and thats ok but i will not accept a trade i consider unfair
Devil Daggers (Fanatical)
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl (Fanatical)
[Mars: War Logs](Mars: War Logs) (Fanatical)
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat (Fanatical)
The Town of Light (Fanatical)
JYDGE (Fanatical)
Crimsonland (Fanatical)
Evil Genius (GMG)
Peregrin (GMG)
Paperbound (GMG)
Lego Batman (GMG) (X2)
Teleglitch Die More Edition (GMG)
Injustice Gods Among Us (GMG)
Rage (GMG)
Adr1ft (GMG) (X2)
Crusader Kings II (GMG) (X2)
Mount and Blade (GMG) (X2)
War Tech Fighters (GMG)
Warhammer End Times Vermintide (GMG)
12 is Better Than 6
AI War: Children of Neinzul
AI War: Fleet Command
AI War: Light of the Spire
AI War: The Zenith Remnant
Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation
A Story About My Uncle
BEEP (Fanatical)
Bionic Commando: Rearmed
Contagion (X3)
Cook, Serve, Delicious!
Deadlight (Fanatical)
Demonicon (Fanatical)
Depths of Peril (Indiegala)
Deponia: The Complete Journey (Fanatical)
Electronic Super Joy
Enclave (Fanatical)
Forward to the Sky(Fanatical)
Forward to the Sky (Fanatical)
Galactic Civilizations II: Ultimate Edition
GALAK-Z (Fanatical)
Grey Goo Definitive Edition (Fanatical)
Homeworld Remastered Collection (Fanatical)
I am not a Monster
I am not a Monster (Fanatical)
Inquisitor (Fanatical)
Killing Floor
Knights and Merchants (Fanatical)
Lichdom: Battlemage (Fanatical)
Magicka + 2 DLC
Millie (Fanatical)
Monster Loves You!
Multiwinia Multiplayer Key
My Lands: Miner's Luck - Starter DLC Pack (Indiegala)
NecroVisioN + NecroVisioN: Lost Company (Fanatical)
Numen: Contest of Heroes (Fanatical)
OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood
Operation Flashpoint: Red River
Overwatch (EU)
PAYDAY 2 - The Golden Grin Casino Heist DLC
Punch Club
Punch Club
Robocraft Eagle Pack
Rune Classic (Fanatical)
Saints Row 2
Sang-Froid: Tales of Werewolves
Satellite Reign
Savage Lands (Fanatical)
Shoppe Keep
SimplePlanes (Fanatical)
Soul Gambler (Fanatical)
Soundodger+ and Soundtrack
Super House of Dead Ninjas True Ninja DLC
Super House of Dead Ninjas
Tharsis (Fanatical)
The Book of Legends
The Showdown Effect
The Great Art Race (Fanatical)
TTV2 (Fanatical)
Trip to Vinelands (Fanatical)
Two Worlds Epic Edition (Fanatical)
Two Worlds II - Pirates of the Flying Fortress DLC (Fanatical)
Wick (Fanatical)
Windward (Fanatical)
Zeno Clash
Dreadnought™ Fleet Recruitment Pack (PS4)
Armoured Warfare E3 Pack
Blade & Soul E3 Pack
Blade & Soul Shadow Guard Bundle
Crossout - Thug Starter Pack
Curse Premium
EVE Online: Rifter Ship Skin
EVE Online: Trial Key
EVEOnline 30-day Trial Access Code
EVEOnline 4 Ship Skins
Lexaloffle Account Activation (Voxatron)
Master x Master Poharan Pack
Neverwinter Adventurer's Helper Pack + Exclusive Lord of the Labyrinth Title
Neverwinter Gilded White Steed
Paladins - Beta Key, Champion Androxus + Countenance Skin, 5 Radiant Chests
Pathfinder Adventures - 40 Chests
Riders of Icarus E3 Heroic Ranger's Fury Pack
SMITE — Bellona and Furiona Bellona Exclusive Skin, Kukulkan and Typhoon Kukulkan skin(Key from HB)
Total War Battles: KINGDOM – Exclusive Humble Banner Heraldry and Total War Battles: KINGDOM 1000 in-game gold
Total War: ARENA 18,000 in-game gold ($10 value)
Total War: ARENA – Exclusive Humble Warrior Greek Shield (available in Closed Beta)
War Thunder M5 Stuart Tank + P36 Aircraft + Exclusive Twitch + Humble Bundle Decals
Warframe 7-day Credit and Affinity Booster Packs
Warframe PC Booster Pack
WildStar E3 Pack
WildStar Standard Edition
World of Tanks Invite Code
World of Warships Bonus Content
DiRT Rally
Game Offers
Dont be afraid of posting yout list, i WILL check all of them
submitted by jjhg11 to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

[H] Games [W] Game Offers

SteamTrade rep
  1. I will not accept any steam request unless we agree on a trade by comments or PM
  2. I will not hold games until we agree on a final trade
  3. ALL of the game in my list are games that i already have so i have no hesitate on trading all of them
  4. Im not a reseller the games i trade will be to use on my account
  5. Im open to all games offers on games i dont have, you can check it in my COMPARE2STEAM
  6. I will trade base on the game value not by 1-1 rules or similar
  7. My steam wishlist may not represent games i want right now, Want list is for that but feel free to offer a game on my wishlist
  8. We may not value a game the same way and thats ok but i will not accept a trade i consider unfair
Devil Daggers (Fanatical)
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl (Fanatical)
Mars: War Logs (Fanatical)
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat (Fanatical)
The Town of Light (Fanatical)
JYDGE (Fanatical)
Crimsonland (Fanatical)
Evil Genius (GMG)
Peregrin (GMG)
Paperbound (GMG)
Lego Batman (GMG) (X2)
Teleglitch Die More Edition (GMG)
Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition (GMG)
Rage (GMG)
Adr1ft (GMG) (X2)
Crusader Kings II (GMG) (X2)
Mount and Blade (GMG) (X2)
War Tech Fighters (GMG)
Warhammer End Times Vermintide (GMG)
12 is Better Than 6
AI War: Children of Neinzul
AI War: Fleet Command
AI War: Light of the Spire
AI War: The Zenith Remnant
Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation
A Story About My Uncle
BEEP (Fanatical)
Contagion (X3)
Cook, Serve, Delicious!
Deadlight (Fanatical)
Demonicon (Fanatical)
Depths of Peril (Indiegala)
Deponia: The Complete Journey (Fanatical)
Electronic Super Joy
Enclave (Fanatical)
Forward to the Sky(Fanatical)
Forward to the Sky (Fanatical)
Galactic Civilizations II: Ultimate Edition
GALAK-Z (Fanatical)
Grey Goo Definitive Edition (Fanatical)
I am not a Monster
I am not a Monster (Fanatical)
Inquisitor (Fanatical)
Killing Floor
Knights and Merchants (Fanatical)
Lichdom: Battlemage (Fanatical)
Magicka + 2 DLC
Millie (Fanatical)
Monster Loves You!
Multiwinia Multiplayer Key
My Lands: Miner's Luck - Starter DLC Pack (Indiegala)
NecroVisioN + NecroVisioN: Lost Company (Fanatical)
Numen: Contest of Heroes (Fanatical)
OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood
Operation Flashpoint: Red River
Overwatch (EU)
PAYDAY 2 - The Golden Grin Casino Heist DLC
Punch Club
Punch Club
Robocraft Eagle Pack
Rune Classic (Fanatical)
Saints Row 2
Sang-Froid: Tales of Werewolves
Satellite Reign
Savage Lands (Fanatical)
Shoppe Keep
Soul Gambler (Fanatical)
Super House of Dead Ninjas True Ninja DLC
Super House of Dead Ninjas
Tharsis (Fanatical)
The Book of Legends
The Showdown Effect
The Great Art Race (Fanatical)
TTV2 (Fanatical)
Trip to Vinelands (Fanatical)
Two Worlds Epic Edition (Fanatical)
Two Worlds II - Pirates of the Flying Fortress DLC (Fanatical)
Wick (Fanatical)
Windward (Fanatical)
Zeno Clash
Dreadnought™ Fleet Recruitment Pack (PS4)
Armoured Warfare E3 Pack
Blade & Soul E3 Pack
Blade & Soul Shadow Guard Bundle
Crossout - Thug Starter Pack
Curse Premium
EVE Online: Rifter Ship Skin
EVE Online: Trial Key
EVEOnline 30-day Trial Access Code
EVEOnline 4 Ship Skins
Lexaloffle Account Activation (Voxatron)
Master x Master Poharan Pack
Neverwinter Adventurer's Helper Pack + Exclusive Lord of the Labyrinth Title
Neverwinter Gilded White Steed
Paladins - Beta Key, Champion Androxus + Countenance Skin, 5 Radiant Chests
Pathfinder Adventures - 40 Chests
Riders of Icarus E3 Heroic Ranger's Fury Pack
SMITE — Bellona and Furiona Bellona Exclusive Skin, Kukulkan and Typhoon Kukulkan skin(Key from HB)
Total War Battles: KINGDOM – Exclusive Humble Banner Heraldry and Total War Battles: KINGDOM 1000 in-game gold
Total War: ARENA 18,000 in-game gold ($10 value)
Total War: ARENA – Exclusive Humble Warrior Greek Shield (available in Closed Beta)
War Thunder M5 Stuart Tank + P36 Aircraft + Exclusive Twitch + Humble Bundle Decals
Warframe 7-day Credit and Affinity Booster Packs
Warframe PC Booster Pack
WildStar E3 Pack
WildStar Standard Edition
World of Tanks Invite Code
World of Warships Bonus Content
Aurion: Legacy of the Kori-Odan
Game Offers
Dont be afraid of posting yout list, i WILL check all of them
submitted by jjhg11 to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

[H] Many games, bundled or not [W] Crypto > Paypal > Keys

ALL of the following are redeemable on STEAM
i do NOT want other games
Here are the currencies i accept and how i value them
USD prices are for key/gem prices, euro prices are for crypto and paypal (lower price)
Paypal Through friends&family, USD and EUR
CSGO key 2.00 USD
TF2 key 1.75 USD
Sack of Gems (1000) 0.15 USD
Crypto BTC, BCH, ETH, ETC, DSH, LTC, EOS, XLM, ADA, NEO, XMR, NEM. 75% of the price (ex: 1 USD game, you pay 0.75 worth of crypto) Might accept more
Trading cards and various sellable items like csgo skins 40% overpay (sale price)
If you want to offer games here are the only games i am intrested in, we will negotiate value later:
Feel free to offer other currencies, just not games please
Game Value (USD is for keys, gems, crypto, € are for paypal)
Killing Floor 2 9 USD/8€
Rocket League 13 USD/11.50€
Payday 2 7 USD/6€
Terraria 8 USD/7€
Aaero 1.50 USD/1.20€
Bleed 2 2.50 USD/2€
Full Metal Furies 2 USD/1.60€
Rock of Ages 2: Bigger and Boulder 1 USD/0.88€
Super Daryl Deluxe 1.20 USD/1€
Assassin's creed Origins 9 USD/7.50€
She remembered caterpillars 1.50 USD/1€
Steel rats 1.50 USD/1€
Tannenberg 2.50 USD/1.80€
Fight'N'Rage 2 USD/1.50€
The darkside detective 1.50 USD/1€
Reigns of ruins 2 USD/1.65€
Tower Unite 6 USD/5€
Slipstream 1.20 USD/1€
Paradigm 1.20 USD/1€
Late Shift 2 USD/1.50€
Fight N Rage 2.50 USD/2€
Northguard 9 USD/8€
Mutant Year Zero Eden 8 USD/7€
Absolver 5 USD/4€
Ashes of the singularity: Evolution 0.40 USD/0.25€
Dungeons 3 2.50 USD/2€
Offworld trading company: Jupiters forge 3 USD/2.50€
Plague inc 5.50 USD/4.50€
Civilization 6 Offer
Rapture Rejects 4 USD/3€
Tom clancy's the division (uplay) (available everywhere except US) 6USD/5€
Just Cause 3 XXL 5 USD/4€
Darkside Detective 1.75€
Regions of Ruins 1.75€
Sundered 1.75€
Neurovoider 1.50 USD/1€
Immortal Redneck 2 USD/1.65€
Tales from Candlekeep: Tomb of Annihilation 1 USD/0.85€
Renowned Explorers: International Society 1 USD/0.85€
Dungeon Rats 1 USD/0.85€
Subterrain 1 USD/0.85€
Hover 1 USD/0.85€
Figment 0.50 USD/0.44€
Jalopy 0.50 USD/0.44€
Sonic CD 0.25 USD/0.20€
Sonic Lost World 2.50 USD/2.10€
Sonic The hedgehog 4: Episode 1 1 USD/0.88€
Sonic The hedgehog 4: Episode 2 2.50 USD/2.10€
Darksiders 2 Deathinitive Edition 2.50 USD/2€
Sniper Elite 2 1.25 USD/1€
Figment 1 USD/0.85€
Comedy Night 1.20 USD/1€
Overfall 0.50 USD/0.40€
STARWAHL 0.50 USD/0.40€
Bitmaster 0.15 USD/0.12€
Shark Attack Deathmatch 2 0.15 USD/0.12€
Pumped BMX+ 0.15 USD/0.12€
Deep Dungeosn of Doom 0.15 USD/0.12€
System Shock 2 0.15 USD/0.12€
PixelJunk Shooter 0.15 USD/0.12€
War of the human tanks 0.15 USD/0.12€
Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa's Rampage 0.15 USD/0.12€
Hammerfight 0.15 USD/0.12€
One Finger Death Punch 0.15 USD/0.12€
Watch This 0.15 USD/0.12€
Crazy Oafish Ultra Blocks: Big Sale 0.15 USD/0.12€
Crystal City 0.15 USD/0.12€
AuroraRL 0.15 USD/0.12€
Dispatcher 0.15 USD/0.12€
Casino Noir 0.15 USD/0.12€
Reptilians Must Die 0.15 USD/0.12€
The Braves&Bows 0.15 USD/0.12€
Zzzz-zzz-zzzz 0.15 USD/0.12€
The Dweller 0.15 USD/0.12€
Surfingers 0.15 USD/0.12€
Timberman 0.15 USD/0.12€
Sparkle 3 Genesis 0.15 USD/0.12€
Cat on a Diet 0.15 USD/0.12€
Zombilie 0.15 USD/0.12€
Asteroid Bounty Hunter 0.15 USD/0.12€
ShipLord 0.15 USD/0.12€
Neon prism 0.15 USD/0.12€
Slash it 0.15 USD/0.12€
Cube Runner 0.15 USD/0.12€
Upside down 0.15 USD/0.12€
Spin rush 0.20 USD/0.15€
Neon Space 0.20 USD/0.15€
Duke of Alpha Centauri 0.20 USD/0.15€
Hungry Flame 0.20 USD/0.15€
Survive in Space 0.20 USD/0.15€
Fly and destroy 0.20 USD/0.15€
Charlie's adventure 0.20 USD/0.15€
Luxor Evolved 0.20 USD/0.15€
Luxor:Amun Rising HD 0.20 USD/0.15€
LUXOR: Mah jong 0.20 USD/0.15€
Luxor: quest for afterlife 0.20 USD/0.15€
Samantha Swift&the Hidden Roses of Athena 0.20 USD/0.15€
Red risk 0.20 USD/0.15€
Particula 0.20 USD/0.15€
Overcast - Walden and the werewolf 0.20 USD/0.15€
Invasion 0.20 USD/0.15€
Cubium Dreams 0.20 USD/0.15€
Stigmat 0.20 USD/0.15€

Bonus No set price, just offer something
Humble bundle neverwinter pack x5 OFFER
3x Overwatch Loot Boxes (2 november 1 december) OFFER

submitted by veachh to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

[H] Many games, bundled or not [W] Crypto > Paypal > Keys

ALL of the following are redeemable on STEAM
i do NOT want other games
Here are the currencies i accept and how i value them
USD prices are for key/gem prices, euro prices are for crypto and paypal (lower price)
Paypal Through friends&family, i am eurozone, you cover eventual fees
CSGO key 2.00 USD
TF2 key 1.75 USD
Sack of Gems (1000) 0.15 USD
Crypto BTC, BCH, ETH, ETC, DSH, LTC, EOS, XLM, ADA, NEO, XMR, NEM. 75% of the price (ex: 1 USD game, you pay 0.75 worth of crypto) Might accept more
Trading cards and various sellable items like csgo skins 40% overpay (sale price)
Feel free to offer other currencies, just not games please
Game Value (USD is for keys, gems, crypto, € are for paypal)
Killing Floor 2 9 USD/8€
Rocket League 13 USD/11.50€
Payday 2 7 USD/6€
Terraria 8 USD/7€
Aaero 1.50 USD/1.20€
Bleed 2 2.50 USD/2€
Full Metal Furies 2 USD/1.60€
Super Daryl Deluxe 1.20 USD/1€
She remembered caterpillars 1.50 USD/1€
Steel rats 1.50 USD/1€
Tannenberg 2.50 USD/1.80€
Fight'N'Rage 2 USD/1.50€
Reigns of ruins 2 USD/1.65€
Tower Unite 6 USD/5€
Slipstream 1.20 USD/1€
Paradigm 1.20 USD/1€
Late Shift 2 USD/1.50€
Fight N Rage 2.50 USD/2€
Northguard 9 USD/8€
Mutant Year Zero Eden 8 USD/7€
Absolver 5 USD/4€
Ashes of the singularity: Evolution 0.40 USD/0.25€
Dungeons 3 2.50 USD/2€
Offworld trading company: Jupiters forge 3 USD/2.50€
Plague inc 5.50 USD/4.50€
Civilization 6 12.50 USD/10€ (not available in NA)
Rapture Rejects 4 USD/3€
Tom clancy's the division (uplay) (available everywhere except US) 6USD/5€
Darkside Detective 1.75€
Regions of Ruins 1.75€
Sundered 1.75€
Neurovoider 1.50 USD/1€
Immortal Redneck 2 USD/1.65€
Tales from Candlekeep: Tomb of Annihilation 1 USD/0.85€
Renowned Explorers: International Society 1 USD/0.85€
Dungeon Rats 1 USD/0.85€
Subterrain 1 USD/0.85€
Hover 1 USD/0.85€
Figment 0.60 USD/0.50€
Jalopy 0.50 USD/0.44€
Sniper Elite 2 1.25 USD/1€
Overfall 0.50 USD/0.40€
STARWAHL 0.50 USD/0.40€
Bitmaster 0.15 USD/0.12€
Shark Attack Deathmatch 2 0.15 USD/0.12€
Pumped BMX+ 0.15 USD/0.12€
Deep Dungeosn of Doom 0.15 USD/0.12€
System Shock 2 0.15 USD/0.12€
PixelJunk Shooter 0.15 USD/0.12€
War of the human tanks 0.15 USD/0.12€
Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa's Rampage 0.15 USD/0.12€
Hammerfight 0.15 USD/0.12€
Watch This 0.15 USD/0.12€
Crazy Oafish Ultra Blocks: Big Sale 0.15 USD/0.12€
Crystal City 0.15 USD/0.12€
AuroraRL 0.15 USD/0.12€
Dispatcher 0.15 USD/0.12€
Casino Noir 0.15 USD/0.12€
Reptilians Must Die 0.15 USD/0.12€
The Braves&Bows 0.15 USD/0.12€
Zzzz-zzz-zzzz 0.15 USD/0.12€
The Dweller 0.15 USD/0.12€
Surfingers 0.15 USD/0.12€
Sparkle 3 Genesis 0.15 USD/0.12€
Cat on a Diet 0.15 USD/0.12€
Zombilie 0.15 USD/0.12€
Asteroid Bounty Hunter 0.15 USD/0.12€
ShipLord 0.15 USD/0.12€
Neon prism 0.15 USD/0.12€
Slash it 0.15 USD/0.12€
Cube Runner 0.15 USD/0.12€
Upside down 0.15 USD/0.12€
Spin rush 0.20 USD/0.15€
Neon Space 0.20 USD/0.15€
Duke of Alpha Centauri 0.20 USD/0.15€
Hungry Flame 0.20 USD/0.15€
Survive in Space 0.20 USD/0.15€
Fly and destroy 0.20 USD/0.15€
Charlie's adventure 0.20 USD/0.15€
Samantha Swift&the Hidden Roses of Athena 0.20 USD/0.15€
Red risk 0.20 USD/0.15€
Particula 0.20 USD/0.15€
Overcast - Walden and the werewolf 0.20 USD/0.15€
Invasion 0.20 USD/0.15€
Cubium Dreams 0.20 USD/0.15€
Stigmat 0.20 USD/0.15€

Bonus No set price, just offer something
Humble bundle neverwinter pack x5 OFFER
3x Overwatch Loot Boxes (2 november 1 december) OFFER
submitted by veachh to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

[H] Many games, bundled or not [W] Crypto > Paypal > Keys

ALL of the following are redeemable on STEAM
i do NOT want other games
Here are the currencies i accept and how i value them
USD prices are for key/gem prices, euro prices are for crypto and paypal (lower price)
Paypal Through friends&family, USD and EUR
CSGO key 2.00 USD
TF2 key 1.75 USD
Sack of Gems (1000) 0.15 USD
Crypto BTC, BCH, ETH, ETC, DSH, LTC, EOS, XLM, ADA, NEO, XMR, NEM. 75% of the price (ex: 1 USD game, you pay 0.75 worth of crypto) Might accept more
Trading cards and various sellable items like csgo skins 40% overpay (sale price)
If you want to offer games here are the only games i am intrested in, we will negotiate value later:
Feel free to offer other currencies, just not games please
Game Value (USD is for keys, gems, crypto, € are for paypal)
Killing Floor 2 9 USD/8€
Rocket League 13 USD/11.50€
Payday 2 7 USD/6€
Terraria 8 USD/7€
Aaero 1.50 USD/1.20€
Bleed 2 2.50 USD/2€
Full Metal Furies 2 USD/1.60€
Rock of Ages 2: Bigger and Boulder 1 USD/0.88€
Super Daryl Deluxe 1.20 USD/1€
She remembered caterpillars 1.50 USD/1€
Steel rats 1.50 USD/1€
Tannenberg 2.50 USD/1.80€
Fight'N'Rage 2 USD/1.50€
The darkside detective 1.50 USD/1€
Reigns of ruins 2 USD/1.65€
Tower Unite 6 USD/5€
Slipstream 1.20 USD/1€
Paradigm 1.20 USD/1€
Late Shift 2 USD/1.50€
Fight N Rage 2.50 USD/2€
Northguard 9 USD/8€
Mutant Year Zero Eden 8 USD/7€
Absolver 5 USD/4€
Ashes of the singularity: Evolution 0.40 USD/0.25€
Dungeons 3 2.50 USD/2€
Offworld trading company: Jupiters forge 3 USD/2.50€
Plague inc 5.50 USD/4.50€
Civilization 6 Offer
Rapture Rejects 4 USD/3€
Tom clancy's the division (uplay) (available everywhere except US) 6USD/5€
Darkside Detective 1.75€
Regions of Ruins 1.75€
Sundered 1.75€
Neurovoider 1.50 USD/1€
Immortal Redneck 2 USD/1.65€
Tales from Candlekeep: Tomb of Annihilation 1 USD/0.85€
Renowned Explorers: International Society 1 USD/0.85€
Dungeon Rats 1 USD/0.85€
Subterrain 1 USD/0.85€
Hover 1 USD/0.85€
Figment 0.50 USD/0.44€
Jalopy 0.50 USD/0.44€
Sonic CD 0.25 USD/0.20€
Sonic Lost World 2.50 USD/2.10€
Sonic The hedgehog 4: Episode 1 1 USD/0.88€
Sonic The hedgehog 4: Episode 2 2.50 USD/2.10€
Darksiders 2 Deathinitive Edition 2.50 USD/2€
Sniper Elite 2 1.25 USD/1€
Figment 1 USD/0.85€
Comedy Night 1.20 USD/1€
Overfall 0.50 USD/0.40€
STARWAHL 0.50 USD/0.40€
Bitmaster 0.15 USD/0.12€
Shark Attack Deathmatch 2 0.15 USD/0.12€
Pumped BMX+ 0.15 USD/0.12€
Deep Dungeosn of Doom 0.15 USD/0.12€
System Shock 2 0.15 USD/0.12€
PixelJunk Shooter 0.15 USD/0.12€
War of the human tanks 0.15 USD/0.12€
Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa's Rampage 0.15 USD/0.12€
Hammerfight 0.15 USD/0.12€
One Finger Death Punch 0.15 USD/0.12€
Watch This 0.15 USD/0.12€
Crazy Oafish Ultra Blocks: Big Sale 0.15 USD/0.12€
Crystal City 0.15 USD/0.12€
AuroraRL 0.15 USD/0.12€
Dispatcher 0.15 USD/0.12€
Casino Noir 0.15 USD/0.12€
Reptilians Must Die 0.15 USD/0.12€
The Braves&Bows 0.15 USD/0.12€
Zzzz-zzz-zzzz 0.15 USD/0.12€
The Dweller 0.15 USD/0.12€
Surfingers 0.15 USD/0.12€
Timberman 0.15 USD/0.12€
Sparkle 3 Genesis 0.15 USD/0.12€
Cat on a Diet 0.15 USD/0.12€
Zombilie 0.15 USD/0.12€
Asteroid Bounty Hunter 0.15 USD/0.12€
ShipLord 0.15 USD/0.12€
Neon prism 0.15 USD/0.12€
Slash it 0.15 USD/0.12€
Cube Runner 0.15 USD/0.12€
Upside down 0.15 USD/0.12€
Spin rush 0.20 USD/0.15€
Neon Space 0.20 USD/0.15€
Duke of Alpha Centauri 0.20 USD/0.15€
Hungry Flame 0.20 USD/0.15€
Survive in Space 0.20 USD/0.15€
Fly and destroy 0.20 USD/0.15€
Charlie's adventure 0.20 USD/0.15€
Luxor Evolved 0.20 USD/0.15€
Luxor:Amun Rising HD 0.20 USD/0.15€
LUXOR: Mah jong 0.20 USD/0.15€
Luxor: quest for afterlife 0.20 USD/0.15€
Samantha Swift&the Hidden Roses of Athena 0.20 USD/0.15€
Red risk 0.20 USD/0.15€
Particula 0.20 USD/0.15€
Overcast - Walden and the werewolf 0.20 USD/0.15€
Invasion 0.20 USD/0.15€
Cubium Dreams 0.20 USD/0.15€
Stigmat 0.20 USD/0.15€

Bonus No set price, just offer something
Humble bundle neverwinter pack x5 OFFER
3x Overwatch Loot Boxes (2 november 1 december) OFFER
submitted by veachh to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

[H] Many games, bundled or not [W] Crypto > Paypal > Keys

ALL of the following are redeemable on STEAM
i do NOT want other games
Here are the currencies i accept and how i value them
USD prices are for key/gem prices, euro prices are for crypto and paypal (lower price)
Paypal Through friends&family, USD and EUR
CSGO key 2.00 USD
TF2 key 1.75 USD
Sack of Gems (1000) 0.15 USD
Crypto BTC, BCH, ETH, ETC, DSH, LTC, EOS, XLM, ADA, NEO, XMR, NEM. 75% of the price (ex: 1 USD game, you pay 0.75 worth of crypto) Might accept more
Trading cards and various sellable items like csgo skins 40% overpay (sale price)
If you want to offer games here are the only games i am intrested in, we will negotiate value later:
Feel free to offer other currencies, just not games please
Game Value (USD is for keys, gems, crypto, € are for paypal)
Killing Floor 2 9 USD/8€
Rocket League 13 USD/11.50€
Payday 2 7 USD/6€
Terraria 8 USD/7€
Aaero 1.50 USD/1.20€
Bleed 2 2.50 USD/2€
Full Metal Furies 2 USD/1.60€
Rock of Ages 2: Bigger and Boulder 1 USD/0.88€
Super Daryl Deluxe 1.20 USD/1€
She remembered caterpillars 1.50 USD/1€
Steel rats 1.50 USD/1€
Tannenberg 2.50 USD/1.80€
Fight'N'Rage 2 USD/1.50€
The darkside detective 1.50 USD/1€
Reigns of ruins 2 USD/1.65€
Tower Unite 6 USD/5€
Slipstream 1.20 USD/1€
Paradigm 1.20 USD/1€
Late Shift 2 USD/1.50€
Fight N Rage 2.50 USD/2€
Northguard 9 USD/8€
Mutant Year Zero Eden 8 USD/7€
Absolver 5 USD/4€
Ashes of the singularity: Evolution 0.40 USD/0.25€
Dungeons 3 2.50 USD/2€
Offworld trading company: Jupiters forge 3 USD/2.50€
Plague inc 5.50 USD/4.50€
Civilization 6 Offer
Rapture Rejects 4 USD/3€
Tom clancy's the division (uplay) (available everywhere except US) 6USD/5€
Darkside Detective 1.75€
Regions of Ruins 1.75€
Sundered 1.75€
Neurovoider 1.50 USD/1€
Immortal Redneck 2 USD/1.65€
Tales from Candlekeep: Tomb of Annihilation 1 USD/0.85€
Renowned Explorers: International Society 1 USD/0.85€
Dungeon Rats 1 USD/0.85€
Subterrain 1 USD/0.85€
Hover 1 USD/0.85€
Figment 0.60 USD/0.50€
Jalopy 0.50 USD/0.44€
Darksiders 2 Deathinitive Edition 2.50 USD/2€
Sniper Elite 2 1.25 USD/1€
Comedy Night 1.20 USD/1€
Overfall 0.50 USD/0.40€
STARWAHL 0.50 USD/0.40€
Bitmaster 0.15 USD/0.12€
Shark Attack Deathmatch 2 0.15 USD/0.12€
Pumped BMX+ 0.15 USD/0.12€
Deep Dungeosn of Doom 0.15 USD/0.12€
System Shock 2 0.15 USD/0.12€
PixelJunk Shooter 0.15 USD/0.12€
War of the human tanks 0.15 USD/0.12€
Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa's Rampage 0.15 USD/0.12€
Hammerfight 0.15 USD/0.12€
One Finger Death Punch 0.15 USD/0.12€
Watch This 0.15 USD/0.12€
Crazy Oafish Ultra Blocks: Big Sale 0.15 USD/0.12€
Crystal City 0.15 USD/0.12€
AuroraRL 0.15 USD/0.12€
Dispatcher 0.15 USD/0.12€
Casino Noir 0.15 USD/0.12€
Reptilians Must Die 0.15 USD/0.12€
The Braves&Bows 0.15 USD/0.12€
Zzzz-zzz-zzzz 0.15 USD/0.12€
The Dweller 0.15 USD/0.12€
Surfingers 0.15 USD/0.12€
Timberman 0.15 USD/0.12€
Sparkle 3 Genesis 0.15 USD/0.12€
Cat on a Diet 0.15 USD/0.12€
Zombilie 0.15 USD/0.12€
Asteroid Bounty Hunter 0.15 USD/0.12€
ShipLord 0.15 USD/0.12€
Neon prism 0.15 USD/0.12€
Slash it 0.15 USD/0.12€
Cube Runner 0.15 USD/0.12€
Upside down 0.15 USD/0.12€
Spin rush 0.20 USD/0.15€
Neon Space 0.20 USD/0.15€
Duke of Alpha Centauri 0.20 USD/0.15€
Hungry Flame 0.20 USD/0.15€
Survive in Space 0.20 USD/0.15€
Fly and destroy 0.20 USD/0.15€
Charlie's adventure 0.20 USD/0.15€
Luxor Evolved 0.20 USD/0.15€
Luxor:Amun Rising HD 0.20 USD/0.15€
LUXOR: Mah jong 0.20 USD/0.15€
Luxor: quest for afterlife 0.20 USD/0.15€
Samantha Swift&the Hidden Roses of Athena 0.20 USD/0.15€
Red risk 0.20 USD/0.15€
Particula 0.20 USD/0.15€
Overcast - Walden and the werewolf 0.20 USD/0.15€
Invasion 0.20 USD/0.15€
Cubium Dreams 0.20 USD/0.15€
Stigmat 0.20 USD/0.15€

Bonus No set price, just offer something
Humble bundle neverwinter pack x5 OFFER
3x Overwatch Loot Boxes (2 november 1 december) OFFER
submitted by veachh to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

[H] Many games, bundled or not [W] Crypto > Paypal > Keys

ALL of the following are redeemable on STEAM
i do NOT want other games
Here are the currencies i accept and how i value them
USD prices are for key/gem prices, euro prices are for crypto and paypal (lower price)
Paypal Through friends&family, USD and EUR
CSGO key 2.00 USD
TF2 key 1.75 USD
Sack of Gems (1000) 0.15 USD
Crypto BTC, BCH, ETH, ETC, DSH, LTC, EOS, XLM, ADA, NEO, XMR, NEM. 75% of the price (ex: 1 USD game, you pay 0.75 worth of crypto) Might accept more
Trading cards and various sellable items like csgo skins 40% overpay (sale price)
If you want to offer games here are the only games i am intrested in, we will negotiate value later:
Feel free to offer other currencies, just not games please
Game Value (USD is for keys, gems, crypto, € are for paypal)
Killing Floor 2 9 USD/8€
Rocket League 13 USD/11.50€
Payday 2 7 USD/6€
Terraria 8 USD/7€
Aaero 1.50 USD/1.20€
Bleed 2 2.50 USD/2€
Full Metal Furies 2 USD/1.60€
Rock of Ages 2: Bigger and Boulder 1 USD/0.88€
Super Daryl Deluxe 1.20 USD/1€
Assassin's creed Origins 9 USD/7.50€
She remembered caterpillars 1.50 USD/1€
Steel rats 1.50 USD/1€
Tannenberg 2.50 USD/1.80€
Fight'N'Rage 2 USD/1.50€
The darkside detective 1.50 USD/1€
Reigns of ruins 2 USD/1.65€
Tower Unite 6 USD/5€
Slipstream 1.20 USD/1€
Paradigm 1.20 USD/1€
Late Shift 2 USD/1.50€
Fight N Rage 2.50 USD/2€
Northguard 9 USD/8€
Mutant Year Zero Eden 8 USD/7€
Absolver 5 USD/4€
Ashes of the singularity: Evolution 0.40 USD/0.25€
Dungeons 3 2.50 USD/2€
Offworld trading company: Jupiters forge 3 USD/2.50€
Plague inc 5.50 USD/4.50€
Civilization 6 Offer
Rapture Rejects 4 USD/3€
Tom clancy's the division (uplay) (available everywhere except US) 6USD/5€
Darkside Detective 1.75€
Regions of Ruins 1.75€
Sundered 1.75€
Neurovoider 1.50 USD/1€
Immortal Redneck 2 USD/1.65€
Tales from Candlekeep: Tomb of Annihilation 1 USD/0.85€
Renowned Explorers: International Society 1 USD/0.85€
Dungeon Rats 1 USD/0.85€
Subterrain 1 USD/0.85€
Hover 1 USD/0.85€
Figment 0.50 USD/0.44€
Jalopy 0.50 USD/0.44€
Sonic CD 0.25 USD/0.20€
Sonic Lost World 2.50 USD/2.10€
Sonic The hedgehog 4: Episode 1 1 USD/0.88€
Sonic The hedgehog 4: Episode 2 2.50 USD/2.10€
Darksiders 2 Deathinitive Edition 2.50 USD/2€
Sniper Elite 2 1.25 USD/1€
Figment 1 USD/0.85€
Comedy Night 1.20 USD/1€
Overfall 0.50 USD/0.40€
STARWAHL 0.50 USD/0.40€
Bitmaster 0.15 USD/0.12€
Shark Attack Deathmatch 2 0.15 USD/0.12€
Pumped BMX+ 0.15 USD/0.12€
Deep Dungeosn of Doom 0.15 USD/0.12€
System Shock 2 0.15 USD/0.12€
PixelJunk Shooter 0.15 USD/0.12€
War of the human tanks 0.15 USD/0.12€
Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa's Rampage 0.15 USD/0.12€
Hammerfight 0.15 USD/0.12€
One Finger Death Punch 0.15 USD/0.12€
Watch This 0.15 USD/0.12€
Crazy Oafish Ultra Blocks: Big Sale 0.15 USD/0.12€
Crystal City 0.15 USD/0.12€
AuroraRL 0.15 USD/0.12€
Dispatcher 0.15 USD/0.12€
Casino Noir 0.15 USD/0.12€
Reptilians Must Die 0.15 USD/0.12€
The Braves&Bows 0.15 USD/0.12€
Zzzz-zzz-zzzz 0.15 USD/0.12€
The Dweller 0.15 USD/0.12€
Surfingers 0.15 USD/0.12€
Timberman 0.15 USD/0.12€
Sparkle 3 Genesis 0.15 USD/0.12€
Cat on a Diet 0.15 USD/0.12€
Zombilie 0.15 USD/0.12€
Asteroid Bounty Hunter 0.15 USD/0.12€
ShipLord 0.15 USD/0.12€
Neon prism 0.15 USD/0.12€
Slash it 0.15 USD/0.12€
Cube Runner 0.15 USD/0.12€
Upside down 0.15 USD/0.12€
Spin rush 0.20 USD/0.15€
Neon Space 0.20 USD/0.15€
Duke of Alpha Centauri 0.20 USD/0.15€
Hungry Flame 0.20 USD/0.15€
Survive in Space 0.20 USD/0.15€
Fly and destroy 0.20 USD/0.15€
Charlie's adventure 0.20 USD/0.15€
Luxor Evolved 0.20 USD/0.15€
Luxor:Amun Rising HD 0.20 USD/0.15€
LUXOR: Mah jong 0.20 USD/0.15€
Luxor: quest for afterlife 0.20 USD/0.15€
Samantha Swift&the Hidden Roses of Athena 0.20 USD/0.15€
Red risk 0.20 USD/0.15€
Particula 0.20 USD/0.15€
Overcast - Walden and the werewolf 0.20 USD/0.15€
Invasion 0.20 USD/0.15€
Cubium Dreams 0.20 USD/0.15€
Stigmat 0.20 USD/0.15€

Bonus No set price, just offer something
Humble bundle neverwinter pack x5 OFFER
3x Overwatch Loot Boxes (2 november 1 december) OFFER
submitted by veachh to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

[H] Games [W] Game offers i dont have

SteamTrade rep
  1. I will not accept any steam request unless we agree on a trade by comments or PM
  2. I will not hold games until we agree on a final trade
  3. ALL of the game in my list are games that i already have so i have no hesitate on trading all of them
  4. Im not a reseller the games i trade will be to use on my account
  5. Im open to all games offers on games i dont have, you can check it in my COMPARE2STEAM
  6. I will trade base on the game value not by 1-1 rules or similar
  7. My steam wishlist may not represent games i want right now, Want list is for that but feel free to offer a game on my wishlist
  8. We may not value a game the same way and thats ok but i will not accept a trade i consider unfair
12 is Better Than 6
AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! for the Awesome
AI War: Children of Neinzul
AI War: Fleet Command
AI War: Light of the Spire
AI War: The Zenith Remnant
Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation
A Story About My Uncle
BEEP (Fanatical)
Bionic Commando: Rearmed
Contagion (X3)
Cook, Serve, Delicious!
Deadlight (Fanatical)
Demonicon (Fanatical)
Depths of Peril (Indiegala)
Deponia: The Complete Journey (Fanatical)
Electronic Super Joy
Enclave (Fanatical)
Forward to the Sky(Fanatical)
Forward to the Sky (Fanatical)
Galactic Civilizations II: Ultimate Edition
Galactic Civilizations® III
GALAK-Z (Fanatical)
Grey Goo Definitive Edition (Fanatical)
I am not a Monster
I am not a Monster (Fanatical)
Inquisitor (Fanatical)
Killing Floor
Knights and Merchants (Fanatical)
Lichdom: Battlemage (Fanatical)
Little Big Adventure 2(Fanatical)
Magicka + 2 DLC
Millie (Fanatical)
Monster Loves You!
Multiwinia Multiplayer Key
My Lands: Miner's Luck - Starter DLC Pack (Indiegala)
NecroVisioN + NecroVisioN: Lost Company (Fanatical)
Numen: Contest of Heroes (Fanatical)
OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood
Operation Flashpoint: Red River
Overwatch (EU)
Party Hard: High Crimes
Party Hard
PAYDAY 2 - The Golden Grin Casino Heist DLC
Punch Club
Punch Club
Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered
Robocraft Eagle Pack
Rune Classic (Fanatical)
Saints Row 2
Sang-Froid: Tales of Werewolves
Satellite Reign
Savage Lands (Fanatical)
Shelter 2 (Fanatical)
Shoppe Keep
SimplePlanes (Fanatical)
SKYHILL (Fanatical)
Soul Gambler (Fanatical)
Soundodger+ and Soundtrack
Splatter - Zombie Apocalypse (Fanatical)
Super House of Dead Ninjas True Ninja DLC(X2)
Super House of Dead Ninjas(X2)
System Shock: Enhanced Edition (Fanatical)
Tharsis (Fanatical)
The Book of Legends
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II
The Showdown Effect
TTV2 (Fanatical)
Trip to Vinelands (Fanatical)
Two Worlds Epic Edition (Fanatical)
Two Worlds II - Pirates of the Flying Fortress DLC (Fanatical)
Two Worlds II (Fanatical)
Wick (Fanatical)
Windward (Fanatical)
Zeno Clash
Dreadnought™ Fleet Recruitment Pack (PS4)
Armoured Warfare E3 Pack
Blade & Soul E3 Pack
Blade & Soul Shadow Guard Bundle
Crossout - Thug Starter Pack
Curse Premium
EVE Online: Rifter Ship Skin
EVE Online: Trial Key
EVEOnline 30-day Trial Access Code
EVEOnline 4 Ship Skins
Lexaloffle Account Activation (Voxatron)
Master x Master Poharan Pack
Neverwinter Adventurer's Helper Pack + Exclusive Lord of the Labyrinth Title
Neverwinter Gilded White Steed
Paladins - Beta Key, Champion Androxus + Countenance Skin, 5 Radiant Chests
Pathfinder Adventures - 40 Chests
Riders of Icarus E3 Heroic Ranger's Fury Pack
SMITE — Bellona and Furiona Bellona Exclusive Skin, Kukulkan and Typhoon Kukulkan skin(Key from HB)
Total War Battles: KINGDOM – Exclusive Humble Banner Heraldry and Total War Battles: KINGDOM 1000 in-game gold
Total War: ARENA 18,000 in-game gold ($10 value)
Total War: ARENA – Exclusive Humble Warrior Greek Shield (available in Closed Beta)
War Thunder M5 Stuart Tank + P36 Aircraft + Exclusive Twitch + Humble Bundle Decals
Warframe 7-day Credit and Affinity Booster Packs
Warframe PC Booster Pack
WildStar E3 Pack
WildStar Standard Edition
World of Tanks Invite Code
World of Warships Bonus Content
Zombie Army Trilogy
DiRT Rally
The Final Station The Only Traitor DLC
Children of Zodiarcs
Game Offers
Dont be afraid of posting yout list, i WILL check all of them
submitted by jjhg11 to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

[H] Games [W] Games

SteamTrade rep
  1. I will not accept any steam request unless we agree on a trade by comments or PM
  2. I will not hold games until we agree on a final trade
  3. ALL of the game in my list are games that i already have so i have no hesitate on trading all of them
  4. Im not a reseller the games i trade will be to use on my account
  5. Im open to all games offers on games i dont have, you can check it in my COMPARE2STEAM
  6. I will trade base on the game value not by 1-1 rules or similar
  7. My steam wishlist may not represent games i want right now, Want list is for that but feel free to offer a game on my wishlist
  8. We may not value a game the same way and thats ok but i will not accept a trade i consider unfair
12 is Better Than 6
AI War: Children of Neinzul
AI War: Fleet Command
AI War: Light of the Spire
AI War: The Zenith Remnant
Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation
A Story About My Uncle
BEEP (Fanatical)
Bionic Commando: Rearmed
Contagion (X3)
Cook, Serve, Delicious!
Deadlight (Fanatical)
Demonicon (Fanatical)
Depths of Peril (Indiegala)
Deponia: The Complete Journey (Fanatical)
Electronic Super Joy
Enclave (Fanatical)
Forward to the Sky(Fanatical)
Forward to the Sky (Fanatical)
Galactic Civilizations II: Ultimate Edition
Galactic Civilizations® III
GALAK-Z (Fanatical)
Grey Goo Definitive Edition (Fanatical)
I am not a Monster
I am not a Monster (Fanatical)
Inquisitor (Fanatical)
Killing Floor
Knights and Merchants (Fanatical)
Lichdom: Battlemage (Fanatical)
Little Big Adventure 2(Fanatical)
Magicka + 2 DLC
Millie (Fanatical)
Monster Loves You!
Multiwinia Multiplayer Key
My Lands: Miner's Luck - Starter DLC Pack (Indiegala)
NecroVisioN + NecroVisioN: Lost Company (Fanatical)
Numen: Contest of Heroes (Fanatical)
OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood
Operation Flashpoint: Red River
Overwatch (EU)
PAYDAY 2 - The Golden Grin Casino Heist DLC
Punch Club
Punch Club
Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered
Robocraft Eagle Pack
Rune Classic (Fanatical)
Saints Row 2
Sang-Froid: Tales of Werewolves
Satellite Reign
Savage Lands (Fanatical)
Shelter 2 (Fanatical)
Shoppe Keep
SimplePlanes (Fanatical)
SKYHILL (Fanatical)
Soul Gambler (Fanatical)
Soundodger+ and Soundtrack
Super House of Dead Ninjas True Ninja DLC(X2)
Super House of Dead Ninjas(X2)
System Shock: Enhanced Edition (Fanatical)
Tharsis (Fanatical)
The Book of Legends
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II
The Showdown Effect
TTV2 (Fanatical)
Trip to Vinelands (Fanatical)
Two Worlds Epic Edition (Fanatical)
Two Worlds II - Pirates of the Flying Fortress DLC (Fanatical)
Two Worlds II (Fanatical)
Wick (Fanatical)
Windward (Fanatical)
Zeno Clash
Dreadnought™ Fleet Recruitment Pack (PS4)
Armoured Warfare E3 Pack
Blade & Soul E3 Pack
Blade & Soul Shadow Guard Bundle
Crossout - Thug Starter Pack
Curse Premium
EVE Online: Rifter Ship Skin
EVE Online: Trial Key
EVEOnline 30-day Trial Access Code
EVEOnline 4 Ship Skins
Lexaloffle Account Activation (Voxatron)
Master x Master Poharan Pack
Neverwinter Adventurer's Helper Pack + Exclusive Lord of the Labyrinth Title
Neverwinter Gilded White Steed
Paladins - Beta Key, Champion Androxus + Countenance Skin, 5 Radiant Chests
Pathfinder Adventures - 40 Chests
Riders of Icarus E3 Heroic Ranger's Fury Pack
SMITE — Bellona and Furiona Bellona Exclusive Skin, Kukulkan and Typhoon Kukulkan skin(Key from HB)
Total War Battles: KINGDOM – Exclusive Humble Banner Heraldry and Total War Battles: KINGDOM 1000 in-game gold
Total War: ARENA 18,000 in-game gold ($10 value)
Total War: ARENA – Exclusive Humble Warrior Greek Shield (available in Closed Beta)
War Thunder M5 Stuart Tank + P36 Aircraft + Exclusive Twitch + Humble Bundle Decals
Warframe 7-day Credit and Affinity Booster Packs
Warframe PC Booster Pack
WildStar E3 Pack
WildStar Standard Edition
World of Tanks Invite Code
World of Warships Bonus Content
Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved
Zombie Army Trilogy
DiRT Rally
The Final Station The Only Traitor DLC
Children of Zodiarcs
Game Offers
Dont be afraid of posting yout list, i WILL check all of them
submitted by jjhg11 to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

[H] Many games, bundled or not [W] Crypto > Paypal > Keys

ALL of the following are redeemable on STEAM
i do NOT want other games
Here are the currencies i accept and how i value them
USD prices are for key/gem prices, euro prices are for crypto and paypal (lower price)
Paypal Through friends&family, USD and EUR
CSGO key 2.00 USD
TF2 key 1.75 USD
Sack of Gems (1000) 0.15 USD
Crypto BTC, BCH, ETH, ETC, DSH, LTC, EOS, XLM, ADA, NEO, XMR, NEM. 75% of the price (ex: 1 USD game, you pay 0.75 worth of crypto) Might accept more
Trading cards and various sellable items like csgo skins 40% overpay (sale price)
If you want to offer games here are the only games i am intrested in, we will negotiate value later:
Feel free to offer other currencies, just not games please
Game Value (USD is for keys, gems, crypto, € are for paypal)
Killing Floor 2 9 USD/8€
Rocket League 13 USD/11.50€
Payday 2 7 USD/6€
Terraria 8 USD/7€
Aaero 1.50 USD/1.20€
Bleed 2 2.50 USD/2€
Full Metal Furies 2 USD/1.60€
Rock of Ages 2: Bigger and Boulder 1 USD/0.88€
Super Daryl Deluxe 1.20 USD/1€
She remembered caterpillars 1.50 USD/1€
Steel rats 1.50 USD/1€
Tannenberg 2.50 USD/1.80€
Fight'N'Rage 2 USD/1.50€
The darkside detective 1.50 USD/1€
Reigns of ruins 2 USD/1.65€
Tower Unite 6 USD/5€
Slipstream 1.20 USD/1€
Paradigm 1.20 USD/1€
Late Shift 2 USD/1.50€
Fight N Rage 2.50 USD/2€
Northguard 9 USD/8€
Mutant Year Zero Eden 8 USD/7€
Absolver 5 USD/4€
Ashes of the singularity: Evolution 0.40 USD/0.25€
Dungeons 3 2.50 USD/2€
Offworld trading company: Jupiters forge 3 USD/2.50€
Plague inc 5.50 USD/4.50€
Civilization 6 Offer
Rapture Rejects 4 USD/3€
Tom clancy's the division (uplay) (available everywhere except US) 6USD/5€
Darkside Detective 1.75€
Regions of Ruins 1.75€
Sundered 1.75€
Neurovoider 1.50 USD/1€
Immortal Redneck 2 USD/1.65€
Tales from Candlekeep: Tomb of Annihilation 1 USD/0.85€
Renowned Explorers: International Society 1 USD/0.85€
Dungeon Rats 1 USD/0.85€
Subterrain 1 USD/0.85€
Hover 1 USD/0.85€
Figment 0.60 USD/0.50€
Jalopy 0.50 USD/0.44€
Sonic CD 0.25 USD/0.20€
Darksiders 2 Deathinitive Edition 2.50 USD/2€
Sniper Elite 2 1.25 USD/1€
Comedy Night 1.20 USD/1€
Overfall 0.50 USD/0.40€
STARWAHL 0.50 USD/0.40€
Bitmaster 0.15 USD/0.12€
Shark Attack Deathmatch 2 0.15 USD/0.12€
Pumped BMX+ 0.15 USD/0.12€
Deep Dungeosn of Doom 0.15 USD/0.12€
System Shock 2 0.15 USD/0.12€
PixelJunk Shooter 0.15 USD/0.12€
War of the human tanks 0.15 USD/0.12€
Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa's Rampage 0.15 USD/0.12€
Hammerfight 0.15 USD/0.12€
One Finger Death Punch 0.15 USD/0.12€
Watch This 0.15 USD/0.12€
Crazy Oafish Ultra Blocks: Big Sale 0.15 USD/0.12€
Crystal City 0.15 USD/0.12€
AuroraRL 0.15 USD/0.12€
Dispatcher 0.15 USD/0.12€
Casino Noir 0.15 USD/0.12€
Reptilians Must Die 0.15 USD/0.12€
The Braves&Bows 0.15 USD/0.12€
Zzzz-zzz-zzzz 0.15 USD/0.12€
The Dweller 0.15 USD/0.12€
Surfingers 0.15 USD/0.12€
Timberman 0.15 USD/0.12€
Sparkle 3 Genesis 0.15 USD/0.12€
Cat on a Diet 0.15 USD/0.12€
Zombilie 0.15 USD/0.12€
Asteroid Bounty Hunter 0.15 USD/0.12€
ShipLord 0.15 USD/0.12€
Neon prism 0.15 USD/0.12€
Slash it 0.15 USD/0.12€
Cube Runner 0.15 USD/0.12€
Upside down 0.15 USD/0.12€
Spin rush 0.20 USD/0.15€
Neon Space 0.20 USD/0.15€
Duke of Alpha Centauri 0.20 USD/0.15€
Hungry Flame 0.20 USD/0.15€
Survive in Space 0.20 USD/0.15€
Fly and destroy 0.20 USD/0.15€
Charlie's adventure 0.20 USD/0.15€
Luxor Evolved 0.20 USD/0.15€
Luxor:Amun Rising HD 0.20 USD/0.15€
LUXOR: Mah jong 0.20 USD/0.15€
Luxor: quest for afterlife 0.20 USD/0.15€
Samantha Swift&the Hidden Roses of Athena 0.20 USD/0.15€
Red risk 0.20 USD/0.15€
Particula 0.20 USD/0.15€
Overcast - Walden and the werewolf 0.20 USD/0.15€
Invasion 0.20 USD/0.15€
Cubium Dreams 0.20 USD/0.15€
Stigmat 0.20 USD/0.15€

Bonus No set price, just offer something
Humble bundle neverwinter pack x5 OFFER
3x Overwatch Loot Boxes (2 november 1 december) OFFER
submitted by veachh to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

[H] Many games, bundled or not [W] Crypto > Paypal > Keys

ALL of the following are redeemable on STEAM
i do NOT want other games
Here are the currencies i accept and how i value them
USD prices are for key/gem prices, euro prices are for crypto and paypal (lower price)
Paypal Through friends&family, USD and EUR
CSGO key 2.00 USD
TF2 key 1.75 USD
Sack of Gems (1000) 0.15 USD
Crypto BTC, BCH, ETH, ETC, DSH, LTC, EOS, XLM, ADA, NEO, XMR, NEM. 75% of the price (ex: 1 USD game, you pay 0.75 worth of crypto) Might accept more
Trading cards and various sellable items like csgo skins 40% overpay (sale price)
If you want to offer games here are the only games i am intrested in, we will negotiate value later:
Feel free to offer other currencies, just not games please
Game Value (USD is for keys, gems, crypto, € are for paypal)
Killing Floor 2 9 USD/8€
Rocket League 13 USD/11.50€
Payday 2 7 USD/6€
Terraria 8 USD/7€
Aaero 1.50 USD/1.20€
Bleed 2 2.50 USD/2€
Full Metal Furies 2 USD/1.60€
Rock of Ages 2: Bigger and Boulder 1 USD/0.88€
Super Daryl Deluxe 1.20 USD/1€
She remembered caterpillars 1.50 USD/1€
Steel rats 1.50 USD/1€
Tannenberg 2.50 USD/1.80€
Fight'N'Rage 2 USD/1.50€
The darkside detective 1.50 USD/1€
Reigns of ruins 2 USD/1.65€
Tower Unite 6 USD/5€
Slipstream 1.20 USD/1€
Paradigm 1.20 USD/1€
Late Shift 2 USD/1.50€
Fight N Rage 2.50 USD/2€
Northguard 9 USD/8€
Mutant Year Zero Eden 8 USD/7€
Absolver 5 USD/4€
Ashes of the singularity: Evolution 0.40 USD/0.25€
Dungeons 3 2.50 USD/2€
Offworld trading company: Jupiters forge 3 USD/2.50€
Plague inc 5.50 USD/4.50€
Civilization 6 Offer
Rapture Rejects 4 USD/3€
Tom clancy's the division (uplay) (available everywhere except US) 6USD/5€
Darkside Detective 1.75€
Regions of Ruins 1.75€
Sundered 1.75€
Neurovoider 1.50 USD/1€
Immortal Redneck 2 USD/1.65€
Tales from Candlekeep: Tomb of Annihilation 1 USD/0.85€
Renowned Explorers: International Society 1 USD/0.85€
Dungeon Rats 1 USD/0.85€
Subterrain 1 USD/0.85€
Hover 1 USD/0.85€
Figment 0.60 USD/0.50€
Jalopy 0.50 USD/0.44€
Darksiders 2 Deathinitive Edition 2.50 USD/2€
Sniper Elite 2 1.25 USD/1€
Comedy Night 1.20 USD/1€
Overfall 0.50 USD/0.40€
STARWAHL 0.50 USD/0.40€
Bitmaster 0.15 USD/0.12€
Shark Attack Deathmatch 2 0.15 USD/0.12€
Pumped BMX+ 0.15 USD/0.12€
Deep Dungeosn of Doom 0.15 USD/0.12€
System Shock 2 0.15 USD/0.12€
PixelJunk Shooter 0.15 USD/0.12€
War of the human tanks 0.15 USD/0.12€
Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa's Rampage 0.15 USD/0.12€
Hammerfight 0.15 USD/0.12€
One Finger Death Punch 0.15 USD/0.12€
Watch This 0.15 USD/0.12€
Crazy Oafish Ultra Blocks: Big Sale 0.15 USD/0.12€
Crystal City 0.15 USD/0.12€
AuroraRL 0.15 USD/0.12€
Dispatcher 0.15 USD/0.12€
Casino Noir 0.15 USD/0.12€
Reptilians Must Die 0.15 USD/0.12€
The Braves&Bows 0.15 USD/0.12€
Zzzz-zzz-zzzz 0.15 USD/0.12€
The Dweller 0.15 USD/0.12€
Surfingers 0.15 USD/0.12€
Timberman 0.15 USD/0.12€
Sparkle 3 Genesis 0.15 USD/0.12€
Cat on a Diet 0.15 USD/0.12€
Zombilie 0.15 USD/0.12€
Asteroid Bounty Hunter 0.15 USD/0.12€
ShipLord 0.15 USD/0.12€
Neon prism 0.15 USD/0.12€
Slash it 0.15 USD/0.12€
Cube Runner 0.15 USD/0.12€
Upside down 0.15 USD/0.12€
Spin rush 0.20 USD/0.15€
Neon Space 0.20 USD/0.15€
Duke of Alpha Centauri 0.20 USD/0.15€
Hungry Flame 0.20 USD/0.15€
Survive in Space 0.20 USD/0.15€
Fly and destroy 0.20 USD/0.15€
Charlie's adventure 0.20 USD/0.15€
Luxor Evolved 0.20 USD/0.15€
Luxor:Amun Rising HD 0.20 USD/0.15€
LUXOR: Mah jong 0.20 USD/0.15€
Luxor: quest for afterlife 0.20 USD/0.15€
Samantha Swift&the Hidden Roses of Athena 0.20 USD/0.15€
Red risk 0.20 USD/0.15€
Particula 0.20 USD/0.15€
Overcast - Walden and the werewolf 0.20 USD/0.15€
Invasion 0.20 USD/0.15€
Cubium Dreams 0.20 USD/0.15€
Stigmat 0.20 USD/0.15€

Bonus No set price, just offer something
Humble bundle neverwinter pack x5 OFFER
3x Overwatch Loot Boxes (2 november 1 december) OFFER
submitted by veachh to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

[H] Many games, bundled or not [W] Paypal, Keys,Crypto, Gems

ALL of the following are redeemable on STEAM
i do NOT want other games
Here are the currencies i accept and how i value them
USD prices are for key/gem prices, euro prices are for crypto and paypal (lower price)
Paypal Through friends&family, USD and EUR
CSGO key 2.00 USD
TF2 key 1.75 USD
Sack of Gems (1000) 0.15 USD
Crypto BTC, BCH, ETH, ETC, DSH, LTC, EOS, XLM, ADA, NEO, XMR, NEM. 75% of the price (ex: 1 USD game, you pay 0.75 worth of crypto) Might accept more
Trading cards and various sellable items like csgo skins 40% overpay (sale price)
If you want to offer games here are the only games i am intrested in, we will negotiate value later:
Feel free to offer other currencies, just not games please
Game Value (USD is for keys, gems, crypto, € are for paypal)
Killing Floor 2 9 USD/8€
Rocket League 13 USD/11.50€
Payday 2 7 USD/6€
Terraria 8 USD/7€
Batman Arkham Origins 7 USD/5€
Batman Arkham origins: Season pass 6USD/5€
Batman Arkham origins: Black mask challenge pack + Supply drop 1 + Supply drop 2 (8€ IF YOU TAKE ALL ARKHAM ORIGINS) 1 USD/0.80€
Batman Arkham City GOTY 7 USD/5€
Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY 7 USD/5€
Aaero 1.50 USD/1.20€
Bleed 2 2.50 USD/2€
Full Metal Furies 2 USD/1.60€
Rock of Ages 2: Bigger and Boulder 1 USD/0.88€
Super Daryl Deluxe 1.20 USD/1€
Earth Defense Force 4.1 Base Game no DLCs 3 USD/2.50€
Batman Arkham Origins Blackgate 2 USD/1.50€
The darkside detective 1.50 USD/1€
Reigns of ruins 2 USD/1.65€
Yakuza 0 8USD/6.50€
Rapture Rejects 4 USD/3€
Tom clancy's the division (uplay) (available everywhere except US) 6USD/5€
Just Cause 3 XXL 5 USD/4€
Darkside Detective 1.75€
Regions of Ruins 1.75€
Sundered 1.75€
Neurovoider 1.50 USD/1€
Immortal Redneck 2 USD/1.65€
Tales from Candlekeep: Tomb of Annihilation 1 USD/0.85€
Homeworld Remastered Collection 1 USD/0.85€
Renowned Explorers: International Society 1 USD/0.85€
Dungeon Rats 1 USD/0.85€
Subterrain 1 USD/0.85€
Hover 1 USD/0.85€
Figment 0.50 USD/0.44€
Jalopy 0.50 USD/0.44€
Sonic CD 0.25 USD/0.20€
Sonic Lost World 2.50 USD/2.10€
Sonic The hedgehog 4: Episode 1 1 USD/0.88€
Sonic The hedgehog 4: Episode 2 2.50 USD/2.10€
Darksiders 2 Deathinitive Edition 2.50 USD/2€
Sniper Elite 2 1.25 USD/1€
Figment 1 USD/0.85€
Comedy Night 1.20 USD/1€
Overfall 0.50 USD/0.40€
STARWAHL 0.50 USD/0.40€
Bitmaster 0.15 USD/0.12€
Shark Attack Deathmatch 2 0.15 USD/0.12€
Pumped BMX+ 0.15 USD/0.12€
Deep Dungeosn of Doom 0.15 USD/0.12€
System Shock 2 0.15 USD/0.12€
PixelJunk Shooter 0.15 USD/0.12€
War of the human tanks 0.15 USD/0.12€
Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa's Rampage 0.15 USD/0.12€
Hammerfight 0.15 USD/0.12€
One Finger Death Punch 0.15 USD/0.12€
Watch This 0.15 USD/0.12€
Crazy Oafish Ultra Blocks: Big Sale 0.15 USD/0.12€
Crystal City 0.15 USD/0.12€
AuroraRL 0.15 USD/0.12€
Dispatcher 0.15 USD/0.12€
Casino Noir 0.15 USD/0.12€
Reptilians Must Die 0.15 USD/0.12€
The Braves&Bows 0.15 USD/0.12€
Zzzz-zzz-zzzz 0.15 USD/0.12€
The Dweller 0.15 USD/0.12€
Surfingers 0.15 USD/0.12€
Timberman 0.15 USD/0.12€
Sparkle 3 Genesis 0.15 USD/0.12€
Cat on a Diet 0.15 USD/0.12€
Zombilie 0.15 USD/0.12€
Asteroid Bounty Hunter 0.15 USD/0.12€
ShipLord 0.15 USD/0.12€
Neon prism 0.15 USD/0.12€
Slash it 0.15 USD/0.12€
Cube Runner 0.15 USD/0.12€
Upside down 0.15 USD/0.12€
Spin rush 0.20 USD/0.15€
Neon Space 0.20 USD/0.15€
Duke of Alpha Centauri 0.20 USD/0.15€
Hungry Flame 0.20 USD/0.15€
Survive in Space 0.20 USD/0.15€
Fly and destroy 0.20 USD/0.15€
Charlie's adventure 0.20 USD/0.15€
Luxor Evolved 0.20 USD/0.15€
Luxor:Amun Rising HD 0.20 USD/0.15€
LUXOR: Mah jong 0.20 USD/0.15€
Luxor: quest for afterlife 0.20 USD/0.15€
Samantha Swift&the Hidden Roses of Athena 0.20 USD/0.15€
Red risk 0.20 USD/0.15€
Particula 0.20 USD/0.15€
Overcast - Walden and the werewolf 0.20 USD/0.15€
Invasion 0.20 USD/0.15€
Cubium Dreams 0.20 USD/0.15€
Stigmat 0.20 USD/0.15€

Bonus No set price, just offer something
Humble bundle neverwinter pack x5 OFFER
3x Overwatch Loot Boxes (2 november 1 december) OFFER

submitted by veachh to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

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